State Partners


With the launching of UNIEX.NG, the primary economic development system being deployed in Nigeria by Sustainable Communities Corporation (SCC) becomes enabled. Called the Sustainable Communities Framework (SCF), it resembles the proposed US federal Green New Deal (GND), which is aimed at addressing major environmental, economic and social problems.

The key difference between the GND and the SCF is that the GND would be a US nationwide program funded with US dollars, whereas the SCF is designed to be regional (state-by-state) in the US and in other countries like Nigeria and elsewhere, and funded by our own vouchers, made available through accounts established via UNIEX.NG. Instead of waiting for the government to solve those problems for us, we the people can solve them ourselves. 

And because the SCF is so large and multi-faceted, SCC/MSCF needs to partner with groups at both the state and local level in every state. This page introduces the idea of implementing the SCF in each state and how we will do so by establishing a State Partner (“SP”) Structure in each state, who will assemble and manage the state-wide consortium of other non-profit organizations. 

SPs are responsible for the deployment of the entire SCF within their state. To carry out that objective, SPs will establish branches of themselves throughout the state that are called District Offices.(“DOs”) Most DOs in Nigeria will likely be located in the individual local government areas (“LGAs”) and will be the entities most responsible for deploying the SCF at the local level.

To complement the state organization, SCC/MSCF will also team with Local Government Partners, to implement the SCF in their communities.


One of the key objectives of the entire SCF program concept is to make significant amounts of money, both in the form of a national currency (like dollars or Naira) and the state vouchers, abundantly available throughout the entire state. By issuing our own vouchers, SCC/UEN essentially has an unlimited checkbook in the form of the vouchers. But what about Naira?

SCC/UEN is doing something unique in the voucher world. The normal way someone obtains a local voucher is by purchasing it with a national currency. However, if the buyer wishes to reverse that transaction and convert their vouchers back into the national currency, the issuer will redeem it upon demand.

In contrast, when SCC/UEN sells a state voucher, the buyer will be required to spend it into the economy, as SCC/UEN will not redeem it. That means the national currency received (in the case of our 36 state vouchers) that is Naira will be income to SCC/UEN, useable in whatever manner it determines is in the best interests of all parties. And since this is a digital product, it costs virtually nothing to produce and is therefore nearly 100% free and clear to SCC/UEN and its partners.

The SP receives a 60% Naira commission, plus matching amount of the state vouchers, for all sales made directly by the SP, of which 50% is distributed to the DO where the sale occurred, with the SP retaining 10%. The majority of those sales will be made on the state marketplace or on the state social network site used to coordinate all the programs managed by the SP. In addition, SCC/UEN has developed a program to allow NGOs (NFPs) and SMEs to sell the vouchers in their state as well. If those parties sell the vouchers, there is a fee splitting arrangement with them, as one can see here and here

When any of those other parties make a sale of the vouchers, the SP and the corresponding DO will get an override on the sales done within that state by those parties, regardless of who makes the sale. When an NFP/NGO makes a sale and earns a 40% commission, the SP will receive a 10% override (60%-50%) and the DO will get 10% (50%-40%), plus a matching amount of the state vouchers. When an SME makes a sale and earns a 30% commission, the SP will receive a will receive a 10% override (60%-50%) and the DO will receive a 20% override (50%-30%). 

The net effect of all the above is that the SCF system in each state is capable of generating hundreds of millions (or billions) of Naira each year, money that can be deployed alongside the state vouchers to actually achieve the types of goals laid out on the home page of this website.

If you or anyone you know would be interested in helping to establish the State SCF Partner entity and help to administer the SCF in their state, please go to the Contact Us page.